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Area 51 Engineer Talks about Aliens and UFOs - FindingUFO

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Area 51 Engineer Talks about Aliens and UFOs.

➨ AREA 51 (PLAYLIST): https://goo.gl/Pt8MiB
➨ RECOMMENDED VIDEO: https://youtu.be/-dC83EqAeM0

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♫ Intro Soundtrack by Tom D Lewis | © All rights reserved.


This video might be going around with the title "LEAKED", but in fact it has been around for years. Bill Uhouse, then a 71 year old man, claimed to have been a Area 51 engineer and revealed that he use to work in collaboration with a Grey alien at the Area 51 site. Many people in the past have come forward with information and many have a lot of things in common. Here are some of them...

1. There is a massive underground system composed of bases and compounds. These facilities contain labs, work shops for reverse engineering and secure "rooms" for the "Extraterrestrial Biological Entities" or EBEs for short.

2. In relation to number one, these bases were constructed toward the end of the Truman Administration.

3. Multiple humanoid races exist.

4. A race of "Greys". Three types: Tall or "Large" Greys. Short Greys and Greys the average human height as well.

5. A race of tall "Nordic" Human Extraterrestrials with large eyes.

6. There is even mention of a "Reptilian" race by many as well.

7. Each race is thousands of years more advanced than us. We are basically newborns in the galactic community of intelligence.

8. A treaty was signed between the U.S. and the Greys during the Eisenhower administration and a trade began. We would receive alien technology in exchange for a certain number of humans. The Greys use humans for biological research and possibly attempting to create hybrids to save their dying race.


► Area 51 Line Crossed by Bikers

► Tourists Family Arrested by Cammo Dudes Main Entrance Area 51

► Area 51 Front (Line) Gate Visited and Filmed During Big Fire Smoke


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