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Welcome to UFO Slice's Forums!

Please use the UFO Forums responsibly, and treat it as a having a friendly discussion among other UFO & Paranormal enthusiasts.

Post your UFO sightings, or even just have some fun making memes.

The forums are currently in testing, so please report any bugs via Discord

"; $.ajax({ url: "https://napi.ufoslice.com/alltopics?" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 100001), dataType: 'json', success: function(data) { topics = data.topics; $.each(topics, function(i,item){ console.log(item.topic_category_name) topic_category_id = item.topic_category_id; topic_category_name = item.topic_category_name; topic_category_image = item.topic_category_image; topic_category_postcount = item.topic_category_postcount; topic_category_slug = item.topic_category_slug; topic_category_description = item.topic_category_description; topic_last_post_author_displayname = item.topic_last_post_author_displayname; builder = (`
` + topic_category_name + `
` + topic_category_description + `
` + topic_category_postcount + `
Last Post by: ` + topic_last_post_author_displayname + `
`) $("#topics_categories").append(builder); }); } }); } getCategories(); -->