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Watch The Many UFO & Alien Abduction Incidents by Jesse Long with Extraterrestrial Beings - FindingUFO
The Many UFO & Alien Abduction Incidents by Jesse Long with Extraterrestrial Beings - FindingUFO

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The Many UFO & Alien Abduction Incidents by Jesse Long.

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In 1990, Jesse Long was driving from California to New Orleans and then right outside of Albuquerque New Mexico on I-40 his car was lifted off the interstate from some force and brought into a craft with him still in the car.

He was placed on a table and he was presented with a baby and aliens told: "This is your child". He witnessed nine other children standing along the wall and they walked out of the room and Jesse felt that the message these children were giving him was: "We are okay, thank you", which made him emotional.

Jesse's big question he would ask these aliens is, why him and for what reason did they choose him.

• READ MORE: http://hippie.wikia.com/wiki/Jesse_Long_alien_abduction


► UFO Encounter & Alien Abduction by Matthew Reed in 2009

► Interview with Alan Godfrey on his UFO Encounter Incident in 1980

► UFO Abduction Incident with John Salter Jr. and his Son in 1988


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