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Watch The Remarkable UFO Encounter Incident by British Policeman Alan Godfrey in 1980 - FindingUFO
The Remarkable UFO Encounter Incident by British Policeman Alan Godfrey in 1980 - FindingUFO

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UFO Encounter Incident by British Policeman Alan Godfrey in 1980.

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On November 28, 1980, British policeman Alan Godfrey was on patrol in Todmorden early in the morning when he spotted a UFO hovering over the road. Godfrey started to sketch the oval-shaped object when a burst of light came from nowhere.

The next thing he knew he was driving his car again a little further along the same road. Upon returning to the station, he also noted that it was much later than it should have been and it felt like he had lost 15 minutes or so.

After reporting the incident, UFO investigators convinced Godfrey to undergo hypnotic regression, which produced a bizarre account of an odd room with a black dog, droids and a bearded man named Yosef asking him questions telepathically, a scene that sounds like something out of Twin Peaks.

• READ MORE: http://www.ufocasebook.com/godfreyabduction.html


► Alan Godfrey's UFO Abduction & Original Hypnosis Tape in 1980

► Betty and Barney Hill Abduction by Extraterrestrials in 1961

► Mysterious UFO Craft & Alien Abduction with Travis Walton in 1975


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