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Watch Continued .. Find out about the astonishing classified technologies at the South Pole!
Continued .. Find out about the astonishing classified technologies at the South Pole!

Video Description

Find out about the astonishing classified technologies at the South Pole, direct from Eric Hecker, a secret government contractor who worked at the facility for a year.

Learn how these technologies are related to the weapons Dr. Greer has discussed on satellites in space.

⚠ Watch the beginning of this video here https://youtu.be/gn5APiemb1I

Eric Hecker references the tech behind the IceCube Neutrino Detector as not just being a passive device, but in fact, a powerful transmitter. https://deciphering.tv/archives/dom-document/

Additional documents:

Directed Energy Threat Emergency Response Act – Deciphering My Experience: https://deciphering.tv/archives/directed-energy-threat-emergency-response-act/

Torsion Field and Interstellar Communication – Deciphering My Experience

Eric Hecker's Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiwewLbtOLl5n2Qpme8oeSw

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