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Watch Why Science Is Waking up to the UFO Mystery
Why Science Is Waking up to the UFO Mystery

Video Description

Avi Loeb of The Galileo Project is starting to study UFOs. Why is this? What led to this? And what is the strategy of the Galileo Project?

Check out Fin Handley's video covering his extraordinary sighting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vImlf_6owKw

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Some sources:

Alexander Wendt's TEDx speech "Wanted A Science of UFOs": https://youtu.be/u_RquOChJuE

The Unidentified Celebrity Review show with Luis Elizondo and others: https://youtu.be/GwTFy1De9P0

MJ Banias interviews Dr. Garry Nolan: https://youtu.be/MwpPLr7Y_sU

The Project Galileo Presentation with Avi Loeb: https://youtu.be/Q3NqRak2tjc

RESPECTED ASTROBIOLOGIST SAYS DOD MUST RELEASE UFO DATA IF THEY WANT A SCIENTIFIC STUDY article: https://thedebrief.org/mendez-says-dod-must-release-ufo-data-if-they-want-a-scientific-study/

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