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Watch Gaia has launched a riveting 10-part series featuring Dr. Greer discussing his work.
Gaia has launched a riveting 10-part series featuring Dr. Greer discussing his work.

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Gaia just launched a riveting 10 part series featuring Dr. Greer discussing his work.

ONLY when you sign up with this special link – https://www.gaia.com/disclosure - 30% of your membership will go to support CE5 and The Disclosure Project.

Enjoy this trailer to give you an idea of the series!
The first episode - launched on August 16, 2021 & is about:

Consciousness and Contact, Dr. Greer’s early experiences with his near death experience as a teenager, and the origins of co-creating the CE5 protocols with ETs and more.

The second episode, also launched on August 16, includes:

Experiences from 1990 to 1992, including the Gulf Breeze FL mass, the buy-out offer he refused for $2 billion by Cabal, and the creation of the CSETI logo in July 1992.

Future new episodes will air each Monday now through October 10, 2021, and include:

The origins of the Disclosure Project.

What happened 1997-2001 & details about Unacknowledged Special Access Projects.

Special Contact events and how “Murder Inc” tried to stop the momentum.

The Science of Consciousness, CE5 Contact and the Cosmos

More details on how the Cabal has attempted to stop this momentum.

More details on the interface between ET & Human Civilizations

The Positive Future for Humanity

And so much more!

But don’t forget, The ONLY way to help support CE5 and The Disclosure Project is to sign up with this special link https://www.gaia.com/disclosure

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