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Watch Urgent Breaking News : Update From Dr. Greer
Urgent Breaking News : Update From Dr. Greer

Video Description

Dr. Steven Greer is going live TODAY at 6PM EST to discuss how you can be part of the 20th Anniversary of the Disclosure Project National Press Club Event.

WEBINAR: DISCLOSURE 2.0 ! APRIL 25, 2021 1p-6p Pacific Time (Phoenix)

Join Dr Steven Greer with special guests
-Carol Rosin (spokesperson for Wernher von Braun who invented the rocket), - -Constitutional Attorney Daniel Sheehan,
-Paola Harris with an expose on a NEW ET crash retrieval case bigger than Roswell in significance,
-Chief Cosmonaut and astronaut Trainer for Russia Timofey Egorov,
-Ambassador of Peace Steven Seagal and others!
Proof of man-made UFOs that have staged many hoaxed "alien events" will be presented.

Participate via Webinar - $75 https://drstevengreer.kartra.com/page/Jhb388

Join us in person - Private residence in Scottsdale, AZ with Dr. Greer for the 20th Anniversary of the Disclosure project PLUS 4 more days of presentations (not available by Webinar)

LIMITED to 20 participants in person. These presentations will be the ultimate inside story of Disclosure 1990-today, with information about the how, the who and where of secret UFO and ET related programs, and current activities- AND a deep dive into CE5 Contact, meditation, remote viewing training and the Science of Consciousness.

Please write to Lera ([email protected]) if you would like to attend


Contribute today and receive unique gifts to support this EMERGENCY educational documentary to be released in June of this year in concert with the Director of National Intelligence report on UFOs to Congress.

This film will be released open source and may be placed by anyone on any Youtube or other video hosting site anywhere in the world FOR FREE WITHOUT RESTRICTIONS SO LONG AS POSTED IN ITS ENTIRETY! http://ce5film.com/

Follow Dr. Steven Greer

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