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Watch Betty Hill Talks about her UFO Abduction Incident by Extraterrestrials in 1961 - FindingUFO
Betty Hill Talks about her UFO Abduction Incident by Extraterrestrials in 1961 - FindingUFO

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Betty Hill Talks about her UFO Abduction Incident from 1961.

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A Space Exploration/First Contact Science Thriller by Bryant Johnson:

In a world where nothing is ever as it seems, three separate families are drawn to a great and terrifying truth. After winning the New Hampshire state lottery, Brent Brook treats himself to a new satellite dish and discovers a channel dedicated to the strange happenings.

Hundreds of miles away in Virginia, reporter Marc Dazet stumbles upon the story of the most recent lottery winner and sets out to track down Mr. Brook as an interesting piece. Far away from the watchful eyes of the media, the Johnson’s, a relatively normal military family, are called away to help serve their country at a far off military base.

The orders? Unclear. However, their move has future implications that will change the course of history forever. In time, their lives and their families’ lives are thrown out of balance and the truth is revealed. One thing is for certain, “WE ARE NOT ALONE IN THE UNIVERSE!”.

Available in Paperback or eBook on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Varies Independent Bookstores or call 757-776-9232 to place a order!

• OFFICIAL WEBSITE: https://www.amazon.ca/Dialogue-Prompt-Are-Alone-Universe-ebook/dp/B01N5UNZ6D


On the drive back home to Portsmouth, New Hampshire after a trip to Montreal Québec, Betty and Barney Hill caught sight of a UFO. The object followed them down the highway for some before swooping in over top of their car, producing some strange noises, and suddenly disappearing.

But when the Hills reflected on the sequence of events that night, they realized that more had happened than they'd remembered. After undergoing hypnotherapy, the couple recovered memories of being taken aboard an extraterrestrial spaceship and subjected to intrusive medical examinations.

This was the first widely publicized UFO case in modern history to involve so-called "missing time," and it brought the subject of alien abduction to a world audience.

• READ MORE: http://www.ufoevidence.org/cases/case315.htm


► Betty and Barney Hill Abduction by Extraterrestrials in 1961

► Carl Sagan on Close Encounter with Betty and Barney Hill in 1961

► The Mysterious UFO Abduction with John Salter Jr. & Son in 1988


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