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Watch John Lennon Describes he Witnessed a UFO in New York - FindingUFO
John Lennon Describes he Witnessed a UFO in New York - FindingUFO

Video Description

On the 23rd Aug. 1974 at 9 o’clock Jonh Lennon witnessed a UFO in New York City. In this interview video he explains what he saw that day.

Not only was John Lennon the founding member of the Beatles, and one of the greatest singer/songwriters the world has known. He was also a political free thinker, who challenged the world with his anthem "Give Peace a Chance", when America was engulfed in the war in South East Asia. When Lennon attempted to emigrate to the United States in the early 70's, he was considered such a revolutionary that the United States Intelligence community put Lennon under constant surveillance. This consisted of phone tapping and constant knowledge of his whereabouts at all times. The full extent of Lennon watching the FBI, CIA and NSA got up to, is still not completely known as facts are still coming to light.

The fact that Lennon was so famous and controversial at that time makes his apparent UFO sighting all the stranger. On August 23rd, 1974 Lennon walked out on to the balcony of his New York apartment, and witnessed what he later described as a "Flying Saucer" hovering closely, just above his window. Lennon became so completely fascinated by the event, that he talked incessantly about the incident, and even included the encounter within two different songs on different albums.

More Information about Artist John Lennon: https://en.wikipedia.org/?title=John_Lennon

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♫ Intro Soundtrack by Tom D Lewis | © All rights reserved.


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