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Watch UFO Secrecy Unveiled: Follow the Money in Government Influence!
UFO Secrecy Unveiled: Follow the Money in Government Influence!

Video Description

I explore the intricate ties between defence contractors and government officials, particularly those on the Armed Services Committee who wield influence over the National Defence Authorization Act. I question the transparency of government operations, emphasizing the substantial funding—427 million dollars over the last two decades—that defence contractors have received. I encourage viewers to take action by reaching out to their representatives, urging them to prioritize transparency and accountability. I propose a pattern of influence, suggesting that contractors strategically allocate their significant funds to sway key individuals on the Armed Services Committee, ensuring they have the necessary power and connections to influence decisions, such as suppressing certain witnesses or information

Watch the full podcast at:https://youtu.be/IADc1IMHK9w?si=kasEIRK-fSqPXvAa

#ufo #uap #ufology #alien #disclosure #transparency

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