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Watch Robert Matthews UFO Encounter & Alien Abduction Incident with Missing Time in 1966 - FindingUFO
Robert Matthews UFO Encounter & Alien Abduction Incident with Missing Time in 1966 - FindingUFO

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Robert Matthews UFO Encounter & Alien Abduction Incident in 1966.

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Nineteen-year-old First Class Airman Robert Matthews was preparing for his first tour of duty at a nearby outpost. He arrived by bus in front of a market in Cape Cod, Massachusetts on October 1, 1966, and noticed that the place was deserted.

Robert called the base and they told them that they would send a truck to pick him up at the market. Robert claims that while standing there, he saw strange lights moving right to left across the sky.

Robert phoned back the base, they asked him where he had been, and even though he had thought that he was there the entire time, they said that they had sent a truck down there five minutes after the call but when they went by, Robert wasn't there. Nearly an hour later is when Robert called back to the base, even though in his mind, the calls appeared to be only four minutes apart.

When Robert arrived at the post, he was questioned by several military men in civilian clothes, and he continued to tell the story that he was at the market, and they began asking him about the strange object in the sky.

However, this was not the only UFO encounter that Robert had in his life. When he was about five or six years old, he saw a green glowing figure in his bedroom, and he tried to scream, but nothing came out, and he thought he lost his voice and hearing, then all of a sudden, the figure came towards him, lifted up his pyjamas, and then did something to his chest, but when he told his mother, she didn't believe him.

Years later, in 1987, Robert found a book by Budd Hopkins, a UFO researcher, about a phenomenon called "Missing Time" and became certain that it had happened to him. He also saw the picture on the book and was certain that the creature on it was what it was in his room when he was a child.

Robert then went under hypnosis and described that he had been abducted by aliens and that they probed him.

• READ MORE: http://unsolvedmysteries.wikia.com/wiki/Robert_Matthews


► The Many UFO & Alien Abduction Incidents by Jesse Long

► UFO Encounter & Alien Abduction by Matthew Reed in 2009

► Interview with Alan Godfrey on his UFO Encounter Incident in 1980


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