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Multiple UFO "Orbs" Sighted Flying Over Colbert County, Alabama. April 23, 2022

Video Description

This footage was sighted over Colbert County in Alabama on April 23, 2022 at 8:00pm and the witness stated the following "I've honestly never seen anything like it. Several UAP/UFO being launched or following each other. No flashing lights or sound. There was aleast 20 of these flying and disappearing in front of us, No Airports or Known Military Bases in that Area." He also when on to add " I'm a aerial photographer. I build UAVs of all types. What I captured was no hobby grade. Each one of these had a red glowing light which the camera did not pick up. But no faa strobes, no sound. And the speed of travel is higher than anything I seen on the hobby level." When i asked him if this could have been "Chinese Lanterns", he replied " The light was super bright... To bright to be a candle and I believe they was flying against the wind."
Thanks to JD for allowing me the use of his footage and to view the original:

Music Credit: Music Credit: We are in by CO.AG Music
Send footage to - [email protected]
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