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Watch The Unexplained Coyne Helicopter UFO Incident with Military Pilots in 1973 - FindingUFO
The Unexplained Coyne Helicopter UFO Incident with Military Pilots in 1973 - FindingUFO

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The Coyne Helicopter UFO Incident with Military Pilots in 1973.

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The incident of October 1973 over Mansfield, Ohio, was witnessed by four professional military pilots, as well as multiple witnesses on the ground.

Furthermore, the encounter is still unexplained but considered one of the more authentic of such incidents. An unknown and highly advanced aircraft would zoom in on a military helicopter and then stop suddenly in front of them, hovering silently.

• READ MORE: https://www.ufoinsight.com/the-1973-mansfield-coyne-helicopter-ufo-incident/


► The Cash-Landrum Close Encounter Incident in 1980

► The Little Rissington UFO Encounter Incident in 1952

► The Disappearance of Australian Pilot Frederick Valentich in 1978


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