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Watch UFO Sighting with Strange Lights over Los Angeles, California (US) - FindingUFO
UFO Sighting with Strange Lights over Los Angeles, California (US) - FindingUFO

Video Description

UFO Sighting with Strange Lights over Los Angeles, California.

Date: September 5, 2015.
Location: Griffith Observatory - Los Angeles, California (US).

Source: https://youtu.be/CP8vYNfwaXc
Video by: Liz Pacelli (YT-channel).

UFOs Spotted over (Griffith Observatory) Los Angeles, California

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♫ Intro Soundtrack by Tom D Lewis | © All rights reserved.


► UFO Sighting with White Light in South Los Angeles, California (US)

► Mass UFO Sightings in Los Angeles, CA

► Humanoid UFO Anomaly Filmed over California, LA


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