This Object was sighted over Las Vegas, Nevada on June 26, 2023 At 5:45am. The witness stated the following: "Tf is going on in Vegas. Firstly, its hard to tell in the video but this thing was pretty large, I’d guess bigger than a 747. Second, it made zero noise, and typically I can hear planes from this distance all day long. Third, speaking of planes, for about an hour around this time there was zero planeactivity, and I mean zero. Usually I see or hear commercial planes every2-3min (approx.) all morning and day long. NOTHING?! Sus. I watched this thing for probably 15-20min, it ended up doing a 180 and headingback where I first spotted it, but at a way higher elevation, so high Ieventually lost sight of it."
UFO, OVNIs, UFO 2023, OVNI, UFOs, НЛО, UAP, UAPS, OVNI 2023, UAP 2023, GHOST, GHOST 2023
Thanks to Taylor Stottern for filming this and to view the original: are greatly appreciated: Credit: The Agent of chaos by CO.AG Music footage to -
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