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Watch UAP Hearings are Just the Beginning - THE DISCLOSURE ACT EXPLAINED
UAP Hearings are Just the Beginning - THE DISCLOSURE ACT EXPLAINED

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Chris Lehto provides an in-depth analysis of the full 64-page Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) Disclosure Act of 2023 in this episode of Lehto Files. He goes through the proposed legislation line-by-line, highlighting the most important sections and providing context, commentary, and thoughts on the implications of this historic act.

The UAP Disclosure Act was introduced by Senators Chuck Schumer and Mike Rounds to require the government to collect, analyze, and release information related to UAPs and unidentified flying objects. Modeled after the JFK Records Collection Act, this legislation aims to promote transparency and restore oversight on these matters which have been kept secret for too long.

In this nearly 60-minute deep dive, Chris breaks down the key points of the Act, including:

The formation of a UAP Records Review Board to facilitate disclosure
Congressional oversight from Select Committees in both the House and Senate
The process for review and release of UAP records to the public
Grounds on which the government could postpone disclosure of certain records
The concept of "Controlled Disclosure" and how information may be rolled out
The role of the President in making final determinations on disclosure
How recovered technologies and biological evidence could be obtained by the government
Appropriations authorized for carrying out the Act
Chris provides unique insights as a retired Lt. Colonel and former F-16 pilot throughout the analysis, noting important implications and remaining questions. He notes the historic nature of legislation containing terms like "Technologies of Unknown Origin" and "Non-Human Intelligence."

With impending congressional hearings on UAPs featuring David Grusch, Ryan Graves, and David Fravor, Chris sees this Act as part of an accelerating movement toward transparency. He sees public awareness as key to holding the government accountable to follow through on these policies as intended.

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00:00 Intro
04:00 Reading the UAP Disclosure Act
14:00 Congressional Oversight
18:00 Review Board Formation
26:00 Grounds for Disclosure Postponement
32:00 Controlled Disclosure Plan
38:00 Technologies of Unknown Origin
44:00 Non-Human Intelligence
50:00 Public Disclosure Process
55:00 Final Thoughts

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