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Watch The Complete Pier Zanfretta Original Hypnosis Tape by Dr. Mauro Moretti (1979) - FindingUFO
The Complete Pier Zanfretta Original Hypnosis Tape by Dr. Mauro Moretti (1979) - FindingUFO

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The Pier Zanfretta Original Hypnosis Tape by Dr. Mauro Moretti.

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Source: https://youtu.be/iLUp-oE_Qnk
Video by: Rino Di Stefano (YT-channel).

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Many of the "classic" cases of UFO and entity encounters come from the United States, leading debunkers to dismiss the UFO phenomenon as a creation of the American media. But some of the most fantastic and puzzling abductions occurred in Italy, to a security guard named Piero Fortunato Zanfretta.

The abductions were thoroughly documented by his employer, the Italian military police, and a journalist named Rino DiStefano, and yet the details are almost too bizarre to believe. The beings that Zanfretta encountered are unique in the UFO literature, but their behaviours are not entirely unfamiliar in the longer history of anomalous encounters.

• READ MORE: http://www.rinodistefano.com/en/


► The Mysterious & Bizarre Zanfretta Abductions in Italy

► The Barney Hill Hypnosis Session Tape by Dr. Benjamin Simon

► Dr. J. Allen Hynek about UFO Phenomenon & Project Blue Book


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