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Watch Father William Gill Talks about the Extraordinary Papua New Guinea UFO Encounter (1959) - FindingUFO
Father William Gill Talks about the Extraordinary Papua New Guinea UFO Encounter (1959) - FindingUFO

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Father William Gill on the Extraordinary UFO Encounter from 1959.

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According to renowned UFO investigator, Dr. J. Allen Hynek, one of the most well-documented "close encounters of the third kind" occurred in the Anglican mission village at Boianai, Papua, New Guinea, which was, at the time of the incident, still a territory of Australia.

The Australian Anglican Church was very involved in missionary work, and ardent in sending its heralds to the island nation. One of these was Father William Gill.

Gill was highly thought of by his co-hearts, and all those who knew him. As far as the occurrence of extraordinary events was concerned, Gill was skeptical, to say the least, especially being a devoted Church worker.

• READ MORE: http://www.ufocasebook.com/Papua.html


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