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Rachel Devereaux Unexplained UFO Encounter with Missing Time in 2005 - FindingUFO

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Rachel Devereaux Unexplained UFO Encounter with Missing Time in 2005.

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A family may have been abducted by aliens, according to a TV hypnotist.

Anne Devereaux and her family's brush with the unexplained has left them wondering whether they were victims of an alien experience, and hypnotist Steve Burgess believes that recollections by Anne's daughter Rachel that she was floating in the air surrounded by little beings were a real-life experience.

He made his claims on a Sky television programme which looked at real-life alien mysteries. On January 16, 2005, at around 5pm, grandmother Anne, her daughter Rachel and sons Benjy, 11, and Alex, 13, were driving north along the A65 towards Ingleton in North Yorkshire.

It was then that they say they saw a bright light in the sky which hovered above the car, before accelerating towards them and disappearing.

• READ MORE: https://www.lep.co.uk/news/offbeat/were-we-abducted-by-aliens-1-156628


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