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Watch UFO Sighting with Colored Hearted Craft - FindingUFO
UFO Sighting with Colored Hearted Craft - FindingUFO

Video Description

UFO Sighting with Colored Hearted Craft.

Date: May 31, 2014.
Location: Los Angeles, California.

Source: https://youtu.be/UaTnPv_UCcA
Video by: Jonathan Castro (YT-channel).

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I learned to Summon UFO'S / ORBS in Mid 2013 from Robert Bingham. The majority of my videos I film in front of my house in East Los Angeles, California. My opinion on what I believe these UFO / Craft are - are Inter Dimensional Beings which assist us on a daily basis and when we ask "them" for assistance for a certain task. These beings come in MANY forms as you can see through my video footage which I have posted here. Please Enjoy all of the videos and subscribe for future videos which I will post. Thank you.

Using words (Thinking them) is of an assistance in the "training process". The real conncection depending on what you want to see depends on Your Consciousness. With a true feeling internally and sending that feeling (connecting) outward, creates Your external. Send Your 'Soul" (consciousness) with pure intent (love) upward and then you will view what you wish.


► Mysterious and Scary Flying Humanoid UFO in California

► Mass UFO Sightings in Los Angeles, CA

► Humanoid UFO Anomaly Filmed over California, LA


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UFOs in SPACE → https://goo.gl/aUC83S


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You can contact us for any questions (by example: using one of our uploads for your website or YT-channel) or to submit a sighting on this channel. Contact us thru email at: [email protected]

If you noticed a video that violates your COPYRIGHTS, then please inform us and we will DELETE it. Most of the videos we receive thru email from submitters, so it's not always easy to check on COPYRIGHTS or the RIGHT OWNER. Thanks for your understanding and cooperation.

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