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Watch The Unsolved Belgian UFO Wave Mystery Sightings from 1989 till 1991 - FindingUFO
The Unsolved Belgian UFO Wave Mystery Sightings from 1989 till 1991 - FindingUFO

Video Description

The Unsolved Belgian UFO Wave Mysteries from 1989 till 1991.

Source: https://youtu.be/taGuuHv5Bsc
Video by: UFOCaseReview (YT-channel).

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Because most of the "classic" UFO cases come from the United States, we are used to seeing witnesses come up against the brick wall of government secrecy in their search for explanations.

The wave of sightings over Belgium in the late 80s and early 90s offers a striking contrast to this pattern; government authorities cooperated with witnesses and civilian research groups to investigate the string of unusual phenomena, and in the end, an Air Force study concluded that craft of unknown origin were indeed violating Belgian airspace.

This honest admission from the Belgian government effectively disproves the idea that public disclosure would incite mass panic, and the transparent operation of the Air Force study provides a useful precedent for the kind of government-backed UFO science that could operate in the U.S. and elsewhere.

• READ MORE: http://www.ufoevidence.org/topics/belgium.htm


► The Unexplained Hudson Valley Sightings from 1981 During 1995

► Betty and Barney Hill Abduction by Extraterrestrials in 1961

► Pascagoula Incident with Charles Hickson & Calvin Parker in 1973


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