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Watch Pascagoula Abduction Incident with Charles Hickson & Calvin Parker in 1973 - FindingUFO
Pascagoula Abduction Incident with Charles Hickson & Calvin Parker in 1973 - FindingUFO

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Pascagoula Abduction with Charles Hickson & Calvin Parker (1973).

Source: https://youtu.be/s9J3JCr9XMQ
Video by: UFOCaseReview (YT-channel).

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In the fall of 1973, two men fishing in Jackson County, Mississippi, were startled the appearance of a strange craft on the riverbank. Three humanoid creatures emerged from the craft, taking at least one of the men aboard. Some 20 minutes later, the creatures deposited both men back on the shore where they were taken, and together with their craft, disappeared into thin air.

In the following weeks, the men underwent a series of investigations from police and UFO investigators, all of which served to confirm their story. The subsequent media coverage propelled the UFO issue onto the front pages, and popularized the previously unexplored phenomenon of alien abduction.

The Pascagoula Incident involved two men, Parker and Hickson, both of Gautier, Mississippi, who were fishing in the Pascagoula River when they heard a buzzing noise behind them.

• READ MORE: http://www.ufoevidence.org/cases/case97.htm


► Interview Travis Walton & Mike Rogers Abduction Incident

► Pascagoula Abduction and Strange Looking Humanoid Creatures

► Mysterious UFO Landing in Voronezh, Russia (1989)


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