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Watch The Mysterious UFO Encounter & Alien Abduction Incident by Matthew Reed in 2009 - FindingUFO
The Mysterious UFO Encounter & Alien Abduction Incident by Matthew Reed in 2009 - FindingUFO

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The Mysterious Extraterrestrial Abduction Incident by Matthew Reed in 2009.

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On the night of March 30, while driving home to Brownsburg after seeing a movie in Avon, Matthew Reed reportedly saw an orange ball of light in the sky. Then, about an hour and a half later, he found himself outside of his vehicle, which was parked on the side of the road.

He later revealed that he had been taken aboard a spacecraft and examined by extraterrestrial creatures and that he and his brother were abducted on three separate occasions as little boys living in Massachusetts.

March 2009, Brownsburg, Indiana. An ordinary night turns terrifying when Matthew Reed follows a strange light while driving home from work. The last thing Reed remembers is his car stalling... he regains consciousness hours later, parked in a field miles away with blood on his face and his SUV seriously damaged.

Like previous family members before him, fears he was taken aboard an alien spacecraft. But was he? Experts launch an investigation with stunning results.

• READ MORE: https://www.indianapolismonthly.com/features/matthew-reed-is-alienated/


► UFO Abduction Incident with John Salter Jr. and his Son in 1988

► Travis Walton Talks on UFO & Alien Abduction Memories in 1975

► Betty and Barney Hill Abduction by Extraterrestrials in 1961


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