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Watch Will GUFON Apologize For His Opinions - Mars Doorway Real? - UFO History 2 Be Made
Will GUFON Apologize For His Opinions - Mars Doorway Real? - UFO History 2 Be Made

Video Description

Today GUFON will either apologize for his comments and opinions about Christina Gomez or he won't but the decision will be announced tonight

We know the Mars doorway pic is a real picture and according to NASA, is NOT what we think it is. They have an explanation I'm not sure is legit.

Tuesday, May 17th, 2022 Congress will discuss UFOs and/or whether or not the government should be concerned with the made up threat.

ARTALIENTV - MARS Doorway Entrance - All The Things Nearby. ArtAlienTV - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJ3rRXONEAw

WITNESS CITIZEN - Trailer for short documentary “This, is Lue Elizondo” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98YrWRnCywc

ANDY GAMBINO - GUFON MUSIC INTRO/OUTRO - https://soundcloud.com/andy-gambino/gufunk

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