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Watch The Intriguing Lonnie Zamora Close UFO Encounter Incident in 1964 - FindingUFO
The Intriguing Lonnie Zamora Close UFO Encounter Incident in 1964 - FindingUFO

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The Lonnie Zamora Close UFO Encounter Incident in 1964.

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In late afternoon on Friday, April 24, 1964, Socorro Police Sergeant Lonnie Zamora departed his cruiser on a rough and rocky dirt road to investigate an UFO (unidentified flying object) which came to rest in an arroyo south of Socorro. The desolate, undeveloped area was primarily made up of mesquite and creosote bushes.

What Sergeant Zamora witnessed at approximately 5:45 p.m. was an “egg shaped craft” traveling into Socorro from the south. It was later reported and documented as having been witnessed (in flight) by 5 tourists traveling through Socorro. Zamora, in an interview following the incident, stated that he witnessed a bluish flame and a loud roar coming from the direction of the arroyo.

• READ MORE: https://www.ufocasebook.com/Zamora.html


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